Update your knits with fringes

An easy way to update your knits is to add fringes. You can add them without damaging your sweater - so you can always remove them again if you change your mind.

Why not jump on this trend and have some fun without having to buy new things - true sustainable fashion!

This is how you do it:


Frynser: Du skal bruge garn, strik, hæklenål, saks og papstykke.You will need: yarn, knitted garment, crochet needle, scissors and a piece of cardboard. The cardboard should be the width as you want your tassels long.
Frynser til strik: Vikl garnet om papstykket.

Wind the yarn around the cardboard (many times!)







Frynser til strik: klip langs den ene ende af papstykket

Cut along one end of the cardboard to get many pieces of yarn of the same length.

Frynser til strik: Tag tre stykker garn

Pick off three pieces.







Frynser til strik: Stik hæklenålen op i bunden af en maske.

Put the crochet needle up through the bottom of a stitch.

Frynser til strik: Træk tre tråde igennem.

Pull the three threads through.







Pull tight.Frynser til strik: Træk godt igennem.
Frynser til strik: Åbn løkken

Open the loop.







Frynser til strik: Træk enderne godt igennem.

Pull the ends through.

Frynser til strik: Stram til og vupti.

Tighten and you have your first tassel.







Frynser til strik: Og igen

Do it again..

Frynser til strik: igen og igen

And again and again. Until you have the full fringe.








To make the fringes on the mauve sweater::

  • Find the middle of the front and place a marker at the depth you want your V.
  • Place a marker in the raglan strip approx. 2cm from the neckband.
  • Attach tassel along a straight line between the two marker - use a knitting needle and markers to keep track of the line.
  • Repeat in the other side of the front to get a V.
  • Then repeat it all on each of the sleeves.

frynser hacks mode

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