Knitting and stuff — strikkeprøve

Can you match the gauge?

Can you match the gauge?

You have bought yarn, pattern, maybe buttons and a new needle. It's tingling in the fingers to get started. 23,000 stitches later, you can see that there is something that may not be quite as it should be - but what the heck - you have followed the pattern so it should be fine... but no, after 55,000 stitches you realize it didn't. Your knitting gauge wasn't right and the nice boyfriend sweater ends up fitting your 12-year-old nephew just perfectly. Yes - you may have become a bit bitter, but not broken - then I will simply make the...

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strikkefasthed strikkeopskrift strikkeprøve

Et par tanker om den strikkeprøve, vi alle elsker at hade.

Et par tanker om den strikkeprøve, vi alle elsker at hade.

Vi ved det jo godt - men hvorfor skal vi strikke den dødsyge lille las? Jeg har virkelig lært at elske min strikkeprøve - bitter erfaring har vist mig hvor vigtig den er.

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når strik går galt strikkeprøve