Knitting and stuff — garn
How to Choose the Perfect Yarn

The first step towards the perfect project is the right yarn. Here are four things to consider to achieve the perfect texture and drape for your project. Yarn weight matters! Yarn weight determines the thickness of your project. Lace, fingering, worsted, or bulky—each has its own charm. Think about your project's intended use - you might not want a summer top in bulky yarn.Look for the corresponding weight on the yarn label to ensure your project turns out just as you imagined. Delve into the world of fibres! Not all fibres are made equally. Wool provides warmth and elasticity, alpaca...
The Best Summer Yarns

For many the summer might not be the knitting high season but there is no reason for that. There are lots of yarns which are really nice to work with on a hot summer day. Here is a list of the best ones. Cotton Cotton is lovely to wear on a hot summer day. It keeps you cool because it transports heat away from the body, a characteristic repeats itself in organic yarns, but which stands in contrast to synthetic yarns, such as acrylic. In addition, cotton is easy to wash. This is important, as you typically need to wash summer knitwear...
garn garnalternativer sommerstrik
About biscuits, soaps and handdyed yarn

Nogen gange går jeg rundt og tænker, at visse ting kan jeg bare ikke lave selv. At bage cantuccini, lave sæbe, bygge en bil eller farve mit garn selv. Helt ærligt, tror jeg faktisk ikke engang, jeg tænker over det. Det er bare noget, der hører til i klassen af ting, jeg ikke selv gør. Jeg må tilføje ofte med godt grund (jeg tror det er helt fint, hvis jeg afholder mig fra at samle af motorer), men ofte bare fordi bedriften er mentalt utilgængelig for mig, men i virkeligheden bare venter på, jeg får øje på den og kommer igang. ...
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